Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What a treasure!

Are our friends, that is. Over the last few years, what with being in school and busier than a one-armed paper hanger, my girlfriendships have dwindled in size and frequency, much to my regret.

I know it's not all my fault--since all our kids have grown and moved out, many of us in this weird age between full-time motherhood and retirement seem to have found an unexpected burst of energy and are working more, going back to school, volunteering, and doing many of the things we never thought of when we were raising kids. And it's fun, sometimes, and fulfilling, and a whole bunch of good things. Except that it makes it very difficult to nurture those precious girlfriend relationships that make us feel, well, normal!

We had an ice day today, and even though the ice was pretty much gone by noon, the powers-that-be had already closed the schools. And it occurred to me this afternoon that maybe Tracie, one of my favorite schoolteacher friends, might be off as well. Sure enough, we were able to spend a precious half-hour catching up on each other's lives and making a date to get together for fajitas this weekend. Which was not as easy as it sounds...Day jobs, plus I've got class Monday and Wednesday, she's got class Tuesday and Thursday, our small group meets on Saturday and hers on Sunday...then throw in helping out with our sweet grandbabies from time to time--it just doesn't leave much space for those wonderful, catch-up on each others' husbands/kids/grandkids/"ohmigosh can you believe what they did this time?" moments!

I'm sure we could all promise to be less busy and get together more, but the reality is that for right now I'm just going to have to enjoy the moments when they come around and be thankful for these dear women and the relationships we have, even if right now they're not as frequent as any of us would like. And know that when this season passes, things may change yet again, and that's OK too.

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